Wednesday, September 07, 2016

CCV – Translating Socioculture

Why is CCV - City Call Vienna interesting for translating socioculture?

With cultural translation, I mean furthering and supporting the understanding of socioculturally specific habitus, whensoever habitus is explained as patterns of perception, action and interpretation. This specific habitus is learned from birth on and only changeable and alterable partially, because specific sociocultural habitus is per se not acquired as lexical knowledge, but learned behaviour of gestures, words, movements, facial expressions, thoughts or social networking practice and so forth. In CCV - City Call Vienna, the proponents are the Igbo speaking human beings living in migration. ...

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posted by Sybil Amber at 9/07/2016 07:39:00 PM 0 comments

Monday, September 05, 2016

CCV - Further Knowledge

Migrant communities are the topic of this filmic documentary in the UN International Year For People of African Descent 2011 in the capital of Austria, Vienna. The goal of this work is to give more understanding of a part of the African Community of Vienna. Africa breaks into pieces referring to economy and in social matters since decades, frequently denoted as the “poorhouse of this world”, as to be ... 


As I learned by listening and participating a little, Igbo in the diaspora community in Vienna permanently refer a good life to good money to prosper. Prosperity and material wealth, I perceived, are proof of living a good life under God. To maintain a good life, it needs game, entertainment and enjoyment, next to worshipping God, to find occupation and to speak and communicate permanently. Festivals and parties, service in church, and perpetual exchange of opinion and information indicate exemplary networking skills attended through hundreds of years.

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posted by Sybil Amber at 9/05/2016 10:33:00 AM 0 comments