Sunday, August 22, 2004


My first intention was, to ask disabled people about how they feel. I was interested in knowing about their way of life and their surroundings. Since I worked on issues of Nazi murder the previous semester, I followed my thoughts concerning racism and discrimination, nowadays. I work for this group called ZARA and participate in Internet discussions wherever and whenever I can. I have one shorter leg and I tried to find out about physical weaknesses in reference to laws and, on the contrary, social practice in today´s “Western” society.

1 “Western“ Society
I was flabbergasted having read about the “Open Letter” concerning “ Eugenic Indication” still existing in Austrian laws and government within a cognitive space of 2004/ 5765.

2 Contact
I was there. I took a lot of courage to confront my own fate. The house “ Jugend am Werk” doesn´t seem so friendly. I shot photos.

3 Source Code
Disability & Media
Disability Research
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posted by Sybil Amber at 8/22/2004 03:56:00 PM


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