Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Seminarprojekt I: ca

Boker tov,

my name is Sybille Amber, I am a student in Socio- Cultural Anthropologies at the University Vienna/ Austria/ Europe: I work for " Ethnology during Nationalsocialism". I found some lines about Otto Reche and Otmar von Verschuer on your website, and a note for the " Gutachten" of German anthropologists. I would like to thank you for your great work, having brought the documents to your multimedia learning center. Do you have evidence about those " Gutachten" and who wrote them ? You named the number of approximately 3 700 documents, concerning "Gutachten" and some information about the then situation I found in Dr. Doron Rabinovici´s book " Instanzen der Ohnmacht", Frankfurt/ Main, Suhrkamp Juedische Verlag 2000.

I work in the archives of the University Vienna to retrieve a complete list of students from 1937/ 1938 until 1945, who studied at the Department of Philosphy, having subscribed for Ethnological/ Anthropological lectures. The forms called " Nationale" contain thousands of pages and lots of data. If you like, I will send a copy of my excerpt to you. Shalom, Sybille Amber ( Email: Saturday, January 17, 2004 7:12 PM, Mailto: information@wiesenthal.net )


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posted by Sybil Amber at 8/31/2004 06:29:00 PM


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