Thursday, August 19, 2004

Emma: Schoenheit?

Was ist Schoenheit? Was ist aesthetisch? " Another significant deterrent to the development of a feminist theory of art has been the fact that no single specific distinction between mens´and womens´arts can be identified. The culture, however, remains preoccupied with difference understood as a constant boundary between males and females and as an indicator on inequality. Thus the development of a feminist aesthetics seemed to depend upon the impossible task of locating the ' difference' with the unproductive result of creating a ghetto for women." [ Ed. by Hein, Hilde & Korsmeyer, Carolyn: Aesthetics In Feminist Perspective. Indiana University Press. Hypatia 1993. Author: Lauter, Estella: Re- enfranchising Art. Feminist Interventions in the Theory of Art; A Developing Feminist Theory Of Art. p27]"
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posted by Sybil Amber at 8/19/2004 07:02:00 PM


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