Jarmusch, Jim
Die inoffizielle Website mit zahlreichen Quellen. IMDB zu Jarmusch, sein neues Projekt, Coffee and Cigarettes, irgendwie ein anthropologischer Film. " Tod Lippy: You generally write scripts with your actors already in place, don´t you? Jim Jarmusch: Yeah. The central actors. I do it backwards. [ Laughs.] I cast before I start writing the main characters, because I have to visualize them. I can´t write a vague character and then go out and see who fits it. I have to have them playing around in my imagination so I can visualize them moving down the street or whatever they´re doing.", In: Lippy, Tod ( Ed.): Projections 11, New York Film- makers on New York Film- making, p 262. 2000 USA: Faber & Faber.

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