Thursday, July 29, 2004

Archethnopaed/ Der Panther

( Photo: PingoWien)

Text " Archethnopaed" & performance " The Panther" by Sybille Amber

" xenotransplatation": ethym. a medical item, signing the operation of animals´ intestines into the human body, i.e. the implantation of a heart of a pig into the human body....

" archethnopaed": latin& old greek, for "the panther"- object; refer to "archaeopterix", the first bird due to biology....

"archethnopaed" cannot survive in environments of nowadays, because "the panther" is wild and running. " the panther" is powerful and mighty. i created a new animal that can change its looks to spread around the world as a symbol for captivated instincts that need to free energies of emotion and intuition.

"the panther- archethnopaed" used to live in the wide plains and woods of this world. i assume, that when rainer- maria rilke wrote his poem " the panther" some of these creatures were still alive.

"archethnopaed- the panther" is the body to our wishes and tolerance, to nature and vitality we much too often forget or hide. it is a single being that changes his shape in specific environments according to matching forms and materials. it is red and a high metal object, but it may also show itself like nobody ever imagined before.

"archethnopaed- the panther" can exist in many places at the same time. up to today i saw only one of it- it lives with peter hasler in vienna/ austria/ europe. ( Sybille Amber 2000)


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posted by Sybil Amber at 7/29/2004 01:45:00 PM


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